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Competitie Informatie

Lanmania : League of Legends 5v5

Competitie Informatie

Lanmania : League of Legends 5v5


For a better version check the google doc:



Compo Stucture:

Groupstage: Groups of 4 and 3 teams.

Brackets: To Be Determined


Compo Rules:

Game Settings:

Map: Summoner’s Rift

Team size: 5

Allow Spectators: All

Game Type: Tournament Draft

Game Name: Lanmania 5v5 team a vs team b

Password: welovejodan

Disconnects / Pausing:


  • Pausing the game is only allowed if a player disconnects or has a serious issue.


  • Before unpausing the game, both teams have to agree in all chat.

  • If a pause lasts longer than 5 minutes contact the compo admin.

  • During a pause every player remains at his seat, ready to continue the game. One player on each team is allowed to contact the compo admin.

  • Abuse of the pause function in any way, may lead to a forfeit.


A regame is allowed if both teams agree it is needed to play a fair and balanced match.

Everyone plays the same champion and uses the same summoner spells.

If a player cannot connect to a game before it has started because of a bug, the game has to be restarted. A screenshot of the bug is required!

Schedule Problems:

The schedule must be followed. If a game hasn’t started within 15 minutes of the scheduled match time, the admin will decide which team will forfeit the game. If both teams are absent, both teams will forfeit their game.

To avoid forfeiting when the opposing team doesn’t show. Take a screenshot of your entire team in a game lobby with the correct name and password and if possible invites to the opposing team. Contact the compo admin as soon as you have this screenshot.

New Champions:

New champions are banned for 14 days, starting the day they are released.

If a champion is banned because of this rule during any match of the tournament, the champion will be banned for the entire tournament.

Banning the new champion in a game counts as a normal ban.



Spectators are allowed only if both teams agree to it.

Only invite spectators you trust. Once a game has started protests against spectators will no longer be allowed.

Admins or people assigned  by an admin, like shoutcasters, are allowed to spectate any match. It can not be refused to invite an admin or someone assigned by an admin.

Missing Player:

You need 5 players on each team to play a match.

If a team is missing a player, they automatically forfeit.


Any actions that results in an unfair advantage are illegal.

This includes bug abuse of any kind.

Picking Sides:

The higher seeded team chooses which side they play.

Win Conditions:

A team wins a game by destroying the opposing Nexus or forcing the other team to surrender.

Both teams are required to take a screenshot of the after game lobby.

Save the screenshot on your computer, no further action is required.

Ingame Chat:

To make it easier to find your opponents we request that every team has a team captain present in the chatroom “lanmania” during the tournament.


The admin is allowed to change these rules at any time without notification.

Ingeschreven teams: 8

Team Inschrijfnummer Bevestigd 8/8 (100%)
.digitalMind 0 Aanwezigheid bevestigd
J A C K K E R B O Y S 0 Aanwezigheid bevestigd
lolmania 0 Aanwezigheid bevestigd
random 0 Aanwezigheid bevestigd
Sector One Arrow 0 Aanwezigheid bevestigd
Sector One Clover 0 Aanwezigheid bevestigd
Tatten 0 Aanwezigheid bevestigd
Tetten 0 Aanwezigheid bevestigd

Reacties (12)

  • Jodan
    upper bracket round 2 should be done by 18:00 saturday
    lower bracket round 1 & 2 should also be done by 18:00 saturday
  • Jodan
    upper bracket round 3 and lower bracket round 3 both need to be finished saturday
    lower bracket round 4 (semi-final / 3rd place match) will be played sunday
    final will be played sunday
  • Jodan
    2de en 3de ronde van de lower bracket moeten vandaag nog gespeeld worden!
  • Jodan
    upper bracket final mag vandaag ook al gespeeld worden, zodat morgen alleen nog 3rd place en final gespeeld worden
  • Jodan
    digitalmind vs random MOET NU gespeeld worden!
    lower bracker, behalve finals, MOET vandaag volledig gespeeld zijn
  • moscow
    Digital mind is atm bezig met hun CS:GO compo volgens mij
  • Mazix
    Net wedstrijd gespeeld op CSGO, 2 van ons team zijn buiten, over 40 minuten kunnen we tegen random spelen en als wij zouden winnen kunnen we direct daarna de volgende match spelen.
  • moscow
    ik gok dat we de complete lowerbracket niet af gaan krijgen, als het nog 3 matches zijn en de eerste ervan pas om half 12 aan gaat vangen
  • Jodan
    lower bracket MOET vandaag klaar zijn ...
    zijn nog 2 games, de lower bracket final kan morgen nog
  • moscow
    Digitalmind vs random nog steeds niet gespeeld?
  • Mazix
    Was overeengekomen met admin dat we eerst CSGO moesten spelen, gaan nu beginnen aan LoL
  • Jodan
    is tetten vs random gespeeld?
    als deze match niet gespeeld is geeft random een forfeit, jullie hebben meer dan genoeg tijd gehad en vandaag is er geen tijd meer voor!
    als de match wel gespeeld is kan ik de score nog aanpassen als dat nodig is
Je moet om te kunnen reageren.